11 March 2010

Nick + Laurie's Wedding

Hooray for married friends! So my wonderful friend Laurie got married over Christmas break and I just had to post some of the photos because it was so beautiful. Laurie and I were roommates freshman year and beyond, and now we are married friends. Huzzah!

p.s - Being a bridesmaid is so much fun. I think it's the matching outfits. Sort of an ode to being 12 years old and matching with your best friends on purpose so everyone knows you're friends.


Alex said...

So thats why girls match their clothes... the mysteries of life, that is my favorite temple by the way, its like a fairy-tale castle. :)

Mark said...


mackyton said...

She is gorgeous! She reminds me of my daughter from her wedding. It was in a nearby event space Atlanta. It was a beautiful place and very much affordable. Anyways, God bless this couple, they look very cute together. I really like her dress.