The past two weeks have been so amazing for these reasons:
- We found the perfect apartment in New York
- We sold our housing contract
- Nate got a big scholarship for having one of the top GPAs in the Communications department
- I officially got an internship in France!
I'll be working at the Maison de l'Europe in Lyon doing research and presentations on the European Union! We can't wait. Nate is now learning French and he is so good at it.
I'll get to be back here again
wow! congratulations! I love it when life is good. :)
tommy and alyse just found your blog and now we are going to be stalking it all the time. please update frequently as you leave provo for much more exciting places. that's all.
ps: does your facebook status (cassandra) mean you're getting a puppy? Or, that you just got a puppy and are moving on to the next step? I'm intrigued... (tommy)
also, tell nate he is responsible to update this blog too... his name is in the header, right?
haha awesome! and we are not getting a puppy, but doesn't it seem like every other newlywed is?
I'm glad you guys are going to read it because im pretty sure my mom doesn't even read it. and we will definitely update it while we're gone, that's pretty much why we have it - so everyone can know how cool we can be.
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