06 May 2010

Grand Central

I am in love with this city.  The last I came to New York was for my friend's sweet sixteen (which was awesome by the way) but it was only for a day, and the time before that was on a business trip with my dad when I was about 10 years old.  So everything in New York seems new to me.  Plus every time you travel somewhere (even if you've been there before) it's completely different because you have changed.  Therefore going to Paris over and over again is completely justified.  But really, New York isn't as dirty or as crowded as I remembered.  Sure there are tons of people but there are amazing parks everywhere!

If we ended up living here for a few years that would be fine by me.

Grand Central Station

Oh Nathan you are just so New York.

Also we fulfilled a dream of mine: going to Serendipity and buying fancy overpriced desserts.  Here I am in all my glory.

This is the Cloisters park near our apartment right on the Hudson.  We had a dinner picnic here tonight.

Also I changed the blog header so people would know we're in New York and because I have a ridiculous amount of free time.

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