21 July 2010

We're still not over the food here

I know all I do is blog about food, but we're in the food capitol of France!  There is no Eiffel Tower or Louvre in Lyon, so we're forced to go to restaurants and buy treats.  Which brings me to:

Le Fromage de la Semaine - Chèvre

Chèvre is just a fancy word for goat cheese, but it really was amazing goat cheese.  It was locally made and there was a picture of the goats and farmer who made it at the store.
That is a tarte aux framboises that we got at our local boulangerie.  We get a fancy tart if one of us does something cool, like if I did something noteworthy at my internship or if Nate got an interview for a job.  For those we call them a tarte aux félicitations!  Which makes no sense in French, but we like it.

Speaking of boulangeries, our local one is great.  There are two sales ladies who switch shifts and they are both such characters.  One of them, a tall middle-aged woman who is suspiciously tan all the time, always wears scandalous tropical outfits and flirts with the men who come in.  She compliments Nate on his T shirts.  She also tries to count change out of our hands because she knows we're foreigners and thinks we don't understand.  We always understand.

The second lady is rather direct and looks like she is of German descent.  When she's not taking a cigarette break, she's chatting with customers or the guy who makes the bread.  These two ladies always recognize us and know our order (one baguette), and they always say, "Bonjour les jeunes", which means, hello young people.  It's a good thing we have going. 

1 comment:

alyse said...

hahaha--"we always understand." love it! you guys are so cool! we are jealous of your adventures. good job with the great blogging.