24 August 2010

Nate got a job!

We have been a little off the grid lately because Nate just got a great job with a Management Consulting firm in Boston!  (The job he wanted!)  Which means:

We are moving to Boston!

Or rather, Nate is moving to Boston.  I have to finish my senior year at BYU so we will fly back and forth to see each other.  He starts September 13th.


Parker and Meegan said...

Congrats!! How exciting! You two will just love Boston- tell my hometown hello for me and be sure to get to a Red Sox game! :)

alyse said...

are you going to be in utah the whole year or just one semester? oh my goodness. but that is SUPER COOL about nate's job--tell him congrats!

alyse said...

p.s. nice job, once again, being the coolest couple ever. nyc, france, boston. tommy and i really want to try and do internships there sometime in the next 4 years! maybe we'll see you there?

Unknown said...

Hooray for you! and us! We on the East Coast welcome you with open arms. Should we meet in the middle somewhere...NYC anyone? Good job, Nate!