23 June 2010

An Ode to New York

We are no longer in wonderful New York City.  I wanted to post some final photos of it until I blog about our new adventures in Lyon, France!  We are having the best summer and we have arrived in Lyon and I'm just getting settled into my internship.  Luckily the interns here have a lot of free time so I can do all sorts of blogging.
Our last week, we decided we had to go to a  Broadway musical, and we chose Billy Elliot.  It was the most incredible play I have ever seen!  It was definitely one of the highlights of our trip.  A lot of times I get bored during musicals because it's confusing to me why everyone bursts into song.  But my attention was entirely captivated and the music was great!  Such a magical story, I laughed and cried many times.  It made us think of Cameron in Modern Family (All he wanted to do was dance, and that's my story!)
Nate took this photo of George Washington Bridge from our rooftop (with his brand new lens).
See how melancholy we were feeling to leave the city?  We would like to live here for quite a bit longer.

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