31 October 2010


In September Nate started his new job at L.E.K Consulting and thankfully, he likes it!  (It's so weird actually having an income by the way.) He walks to work everyday through Boston Common, buys fancy shoes, hangs out with his classy new friends and watches the Boston Symphony.

I live next door to my parents (ok so my life isn't quite as glamourous as Nate's) and I commute to Provo a few times a week for classes at BYU.  I'm busy but good, and I like  being close to my family.  Every few weekends I fly to Boston to visit Nate and we talk on the phone every day.  I'm joining Nate in Boston in the beginning of January, where I will then finish my last 4 classes and finally graduate! (Then try to find a job)

here is a photo of our tiny 500 square foot apartment in downtown Boston:

1 comment:

alyse said...

okay i've seen this post before but i'm just now commenting on it because i'm lazy. we want to come and visit you guys sometime... so stay in boston for a while! (once you both get there, of course.) that looks awesome!